How to Add Team Badges to your Tableau Graphic
In every sport currently Tableau is making waves within analysis departments. One of the simplest ways to make these graphics more readable to coaches is by adding a teams logo for their data, the colour keeps coaches interested and the logo gives instant legibility. This is one of the least intuitive parts of tableau however, fear not though as it is simpler than it seems.
Files -> “My Tableau Repository” -> “Shapes | Create a New Folder With Your Desired Name
Save the team logos into that folder
Open a New Sheet in Tableau
Change Marks from Automatic - > Shape
Drag the variable that describes your logo into Shape (e.g Team Name)
Press Shape - > Reload Shapes
Click the Drop Down Menu and find your custom folder - > Assign your logos to your teams
Now, whenever you set Marks to Shape and Drag team name into shape your logos will appear!